Monday, December 30, 2019

St. Bartholomew's Church, London

St. Bartholomew's Church is a place with a long history. It was founded by, of all people, a court jester of Henry I. This jester was named Rahere, and by all accounts, he was a very pious man. The ghost of Rahere is said to walk the church, and evidently, it is always seen at 7 a.m. on July 1.

A figure thought to be that of a monk has been spotted more than once in the church. On another occasion, a man saw a cloudy white object that gradually took the form of a woman in white. The man recognized the figure as his daughter, who lived in Australia. The man was horrified, believing that the apparition was a premonition of his daughter's death, even though the figure looked overjoyed to see him.

Some time later, the man received a letter from his daughter. She had been dangerously ill, she said, but was now recovering. She recounted a strange occurrence: during her illness, she had a dream that she was in St. Bartholomew's Church, and was ecstatic to see her father there. She noted the day and time of this happening (as had her father), and when they compared notes, they saw that the uncanny incident had happened to them both simultaneously.