Friday, November 1, 2019

Haunted Accidents

Haunted attractions - houses, asylums, hospitals, hayrides, and the like - are wildly popular in the United States (and in a few locations abroad). In October, guests flock to these places, eager to be scared out of their wits.

Some of them are scared even more than that. Haunted attractions are growing increasingly extreme, and actors often come into physical contact with the guests.

Blackout Haunted House is located in New York City. Its rules alone are frightening - guests must go through the "show" entirely alone; they must do exactly as they are told; they are not to speak unless told to do so. The website also warns that guests will encounter "sexual and violent situations".

Scare House is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Its website makes it clear that this attraction is not for those who are pregnant or have cardiac or respiratory problems. The video on the home page is pretty intense.

The Tension Experience in Los Angeles takes two and a half hours. All guests experience the attraction differently, as the story depends on the choices they make. The storyline deals with indoctrination into a cult - a frightening enough experience in real life.

Miasma, in Chicago, is an invitation-only experience. You register on the website to receive your invitation. The website has a list of physical conditions that render potential visitors incapable of attending the experience, and a much longer list of things that may happen inside Miasma. These include graphic adult content, crawling, nudity, electricity, edible content, and "clothing removal and/or destruction".

As the saying goes, those who like this sort of thing will find that this is the sort of thing they like.

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